About us
Molière 1622 – 1673
“Who speaks the way that people understand them, speaks always well.”
Why learning German?
German is one of the 10 most important languages of the world. It is spoken not only in several European countries, but also in Namibia. German is deemed to be the language of poets and thinkers, scientists, doctors and musicians. German words can be found in many sectors and have been adopted by other languages. The history of German speaking countries is long and has produced many famous people like Goethe, Schiller, Mozart, Bach, Röntgen, Kant and Luther, to name just a few. German is not exactly one of the easiest languages to learn but definitely one of the most interesting ones.
Why learning English?
English will open you the whole world. In nearly every country you can communicate in English. Whether you are traveling as holiday or for business, English is the language to help you on your way. At the airport, in your hotel, should you get lost or just want to talk to others around you – You won’t have to feel helpless in any of these situations. But even if you don’t go overseas, understanding English will help you online, at your workplace and with enjoying books and movies in their original language,rather than having to relate to translations and subtitles that are often unable to exactly match the original.
Why learning with Carpe Linguas?
We are a small team of native speakers with longstanding teaching experience online as well as in a traditional classroom. Our students are from various countries, but most of them are from Asia and especially Japan. If you are learning a language, it is highly recommended to have another teacher after some time to get used to different voices, phrasings and accents. Moreover another teacher also means other experiences, points of view and specialisations, which adds another attraction to the learning process.
Lessons with us are taught mostly in the target language, although it is possible to give some support in other languages, such as Japanese or English.
Another upside is that our lessons are being taught online, which means that you’ll be able to learn from home, the office or any other place and at any time. The method of payment with Paypal is easy and so is the use of Skype as your virtual classroom. We always strive to meet your personal needs, whether you prefer free conversation, want to prepare for an exam, a business trip, need a dissertation proofread or a letter translated. Just let us know so that we can prepare your lesson. On a side note, we are constantly trying to expand our program, so make sure to stop by and check our site from time to time.
What does Carpe Linguas mean?
Carpe Linguas is our derivation of a sentence from the roman poet Horace. The original Latin sentence carpe diem means „enjoy the day“ or literally „harvest the day“. In Germany it is often used as a proverb for „utilise the day“. Therefore Carpe Linguas is our interpretation of “Enjoy languages! Utilise languages!”.
Languages are becoming more and more important with globalisation nowadays. Not only for business, but also in private life. Whether on the internet, on tv, in literature, with friends or for traveling: The more languages you are capable of understanding, the more you are able to understand the world. On top of that languages and their learning are an interesting pastime that is not only keeping your brain fit, but is also opening doors for you in this world.