Terms & Conditions
5. Booking and cancellation of lessons
You will be able to book lessons after you have purchased lesson points and your payment has been confirmed. If possible it would be advisable to book your lesson at least 24 hours in advance so that we are able to prepare your lesson accordingly. It is also possible to get a lesson on short notice, however, you will have to ask if the teacher you wish to book is available, which we are unable to guarantee.
Additionally we want to point out that our calendar is not updated in real-time, since the teachers have to update it manually as soon as a booking is confirmed. Therefore it is possible that a seemingly free lesson in our calendar already has a booking waiting for confirmation. In the case that there is more than one booking for the same time frame, we will give priority to the booking that was sent the earliest. We apologize for possible mix ups and will try to keep the calendar as up to date as possible.
Should you be unable to attend a lesson you’ve already booked, please try to cancel the lesson at least 24 hours in advance. We will only be able to refund points for lessons that have been cancelled 24 or more hours in advance. A later cancellation or the student not showing up for a booked lesson without notice will cause the loss of spent points. Should you be late for a lesson, the teacher will try to reach you on your Skype account for 10 minutes, before the lesson expires automatically.